Friday, November 13, 2009

Ready To Create A Blog To Advertise Your Online Income Systems?

Well, Hello, Everyone!

So far in this blog, I've pretty much assumed you just want to make money by signing up with some Revenue Share Programs, surf the amount of sites required each day or week, and collect your money at the end of the week.

Well, are any of you interested in creating a blog where you can advertise all of your revenue share sites in one place, using one link or address?

I'm heavily involved in Revenue Share Sites so I know that you can make additional money every month by referring others to your programs and showing them how to make money every week. If you only have one or two sites going, hey, not a problem. But if you have 14, like I do, keeping them straight feels like a full-time job!

Creating a FREE blog takes care of all of that. You can send your friends, family, co-workers, the WHOLE WORLD, to ONE ADDRESS and offer them a choice of any or all of the sites you are involved in! It's a perfect place to give a short review about the program, what's good about the program, maybe something you're not happy with, which ones pay out on time EVERY WEEK, which ones may be great but it's hard to get a hold of someone who will answer a question. That kind of thing counts for a lot when people are shopping around for a program that can make them money. Having a one-spot-blog is a wonderful thing if you have an online income system like Revenue Sharing sites, believe me!

First, I'm going to be up front with you and tell you that you can do this for completely FREE! You really can.

However, I'm going to "recommend" you spend $10 or less and purchase a domain name for your blog. The most important reasons are that it looks WAY more professional to anyone you give the link to and it is WAY easier for others to remember. Lots of other reasons, but, to me, those are really the two that count.

If you "google" domain providers, you'll get a huge list. Feel free to do so, or just click on the GoDaddy banner below for ease and speed. Most of my domains are with them, they've given me great customer service and NO HASSLES AT ALL! I also have hosting through them and have used their website creation in the past.

Go Daddy $7.49 .com domains

The next step is for you to go to my site. (click on the banner below or copy/paste this link) Scroll to the bottom of the blog and work your way upwards through the posts for a step by step how-to process that is so easy, it's perfect for beginners! I'll be adding more relevant content as I come across it, but right now all the basic stuff is right there in easy steps.

If you have ANY problems with setting up your blog, please post a comment here or email me at (place the words "replacemyjobnow" in the subject line as I do not open mail from those I do not recognize). I'm constantly monitoring my email, so you can easily reach me there and I check in on each blog at least daily.

Feel free to check in to see what I have that's new here at Online Income Systems!
Thank you,

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